Are You Ready to Reconnect With Someone From Your Past?

Are You Ready to Reconnect With Someone From Your Past?

Some painful stuff went down between you and someone who once held great meaning in your life. It reached a point where the only option left was to sever the connection. But as time has passed, you’ve become increasingly aware that the amazing moments you shared with...
Resilience Will Help Free You From Your Past

Resilience Will Help Free You From Your Past

When you reflect on your history and how it has impacted you, you may appreciate the building blocks that contribute to your resilience. You may see the opportunities to engage in the fortunate and challenging experiences that helped to shape you in a way that helps...
After Breakup, Who Says Your Feelings Have to Make Sense?

After Breakup, Who Says Your Feelings Have to Make Sense?

When your relationship first ended, you may have been far clearer about why the relationship didn’t work, and why your ex was wrong for you. However, you now find yourself having uncomfortable thoughts about the ex—longing, melancholy, and memories of the good times...
Everyone Has a ‘Look Closer’

Everyone Has a ‘Look Closer’

In the movie “American Beauty” we are compelled to look closer. As the movie progresses, we learn that what appears on the outside to be a normal, happy, well functioning family is crumbling on the inside. What is so remarkable about this movie is how exquisitely it...
Doors Opened, Doors Closed: No Regrets!

Doors Opened, Doors Closed: No Regrets!

Your life has been a string of events that leads you to where you are now – in part determined by doors opened, doors closed, and the history, decisions and happenings that contribute to who and where you are today. When you look back on your life so far, how do you...