What is Going on with Roseanne Barr?

What is Going on with Roseanne Barr?

A few months ago, ABC announced a reboot of their 1990’s sitcom, Roseanne. It was a controversial decision made by ABC (the home of a progressive show on the other end of the spectrum: Blackish) to give airtime to a woman who had repeatedly shown herself through the...
When Trauma Affects Your Trust in Your Relationship

When Trauma Affects Your Trust in Your Relationship

Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be a huge event or a more subtle pain that you try hard to overlook, though it still haunts you. Collective traumas are suffered by many. They include war, terrorism, an accident, or a catastrophic weather episode that...
The Gut-Wrenching Aftermath of Breakup

The Gut-Wrenching Aftermath of Breakup

When an epic relationship ends, one of the most tormenting aspects of the loss is that you can think you’re ok, that you’ve weathered the storm. Then, seemingly out of the blue, you plunge right back into confusion, disgust, and fear, all over again. Chances are, the...
What My German, Jewish Father Learned About Patriotism

What My German, Jewish Father Learned About Patriotism

This Memorial Day, I’d like to share a personal story. Both of my Jewish parents are European born. Both had the misfortune of being born during Hitler’s rising (my father in Germany, my mother in Belgium). We will save my mother’s story for another day. But if you’re...
Why Trauma Resurfaces Just as You’re Feeling Better

Why Trauma Resurfaces Just as You’re Feeling Better

After a period of devastation, loss, despair–a traumatic experience–as time passes, you may begin to feel better, safer in your own skin. You may even sense that you have grown stronger as the distance between where you are now and the painful experiences you have...