Being dumped for someone else is a double punch: not only do you feel abandoned but also replaced. It’s a biological imperative to guard your mate – and now he or she is with someone else and you’re stuck with the harrowing, awful, alone feeling of knowing that the...
Here and elsewhere you can find hundreds of articles offering advice for starting relationships, thriving in relationships, ending relationships, and recovering after a relationship ends. Largely absent from these conversations are those who avoid relationships or are...
When you’re depressed, it is so hard to believe that things really can get better. If depression becomes your familiar state, it can be scary to wade into the uncharted territory of feeling better. However, try to let yourself accept the possibility that although you...
You survived Christmas as a single person, but now it’s time to face New Year’s Eve. Along with Valentines Day, it’s one of the hardest days of the year to be single: it can feel as if everyone has someone to kiss at midnight except you. It doesn’t help that friends...
At some point in your life you began to question how you view your body and how it impacts your relationships with yourself and with the world. A negative experience of your body can become a torturous preoccupation. Eventually, your attempt to ward off feelings of...
Dr. Lance Dodes wrote that the former president showed signs of "confusion about reality" and "would have to be immediately removed from office" if elected.
Every so often a musical prodigy comes along and sends goosebumps up and down and all around. 15 years old. You’re gonna love her! ... See MoreSee Less