While there are numerous forms of sexual harassment across many forums, this article will focus on one specific dynamic. That of male-to-female sexual harassment in the workplace. First and foremost, like any form of sexual harassment, male to female sexual harassment...
Up till now being in a relationship may have been a determining factor in how you view yourself and how comfortable you feel in the world. It may be hard to know or trust who you are without a relationship. Therefore, even when you have said your goodbyes, it can feel...
If you are in love with a person with whom you have a friendship/sexual relationship, who is kind, compassionate and a “good friend”, but is unable to reciprocate your adoration, it can be extraordinarily painful to navigate that relationship in a way that is not...
After a period of devastation, loss, despair–a traumatic experience–as time passes, you may begin to feel better, safer in your own skin. You may even sense that you have grown stronger as the distance between where you are now and the painful experiences you have...
Like violent waves crashing against your very being, overwhelming, disorienting emotions overtake you during the breakup process. As time passes (often lots of time) the reality of the breakup begins to set in. For many, it is later in the breakup process that you...
Dr. Lance Dodes wrote that the former president showed signs of "confusion about reality" and "would have to be immediately removed from office" if elected.
Every so often a musical prodigy comes along and sends goosebumps up and down and all around. 15 years old. You’re gonna love her! ... See MoreSee Less