What Happens When Your Needs Change in a Relationship?

What Happens When Your Needs Change in a Relationship?

When you were young and your relationship was new, your needs were relatively simple. The things that excited you about your partner were chemistry and the blissful feeling of reciprocity – you were in love and you were loved in return. It was intoxicating. You were...
As Long As You Don’t Know Him, He Can Be Perfect

As Long As You Don’t Know Him, He Can Be Perfect

You want him. You love him. He’s broken but you can fix him. You know you’re everything he needs. Not that you actually know that much about him. He’s there and then gone like a beautiful idea or taste. And every time you see him, you want him even more. He is your...
How Great Parents Create Kids’ Relationship Challenges

How Great Parents Create Kids’ Relationship Challenges

How were you parented? If you say “well,” to me that means your parents provided affirmation, recognition, validation and support. There was relative safety and predictability in your home life. But now the difference between your parents’ unconditional love and...
Are Parents or Partner Threatened by Your Joy?

Are Parents or Partner Threatened by Your Joy?

As a child, what would you have done if you were alone with a tub of your favorite ice cream and a spoon? This isn’t the famous marshmallow experiment – there’s no reward for waiting. And there’s no one telling you what to do. Admit it: you would’ve eaten the whole...
Losing Yourself in a Relationship That Can’t Give Back?

Losing Yourself in a Relationship That Can’t Give Back?

It can be extraordinarily painful to be in love with a person with whom you have a friendship/sexual relationship, who is kind, compassionate and a “good friend”, but is unable to reciprocate your adoration. How can you navigate that relationship in a way that is not...