If you’ve been miserable in your relationship for far too long, the logical thing to do is leave. But if there’s been trauma, betrayal, chaos in your life, you fear the unknown. Of course you do. Therefore, how can you leave an unhappy relationship when your distrust...
You were deeply unhappy in your relationship, but now you’re out. You craved something different. You craved peace, serenity, even joy, and now you have the opportunity for it. But in those moments of post-breakup relief, you feel guilty: you know your ex is...
Does it seem like you’re in a cycle of rejection—like every relationship ends in being dumped? The cycle of rejection is ugly, painful and humbling. It decimates you self-esteem, and gives you ample opportunity to say to anyone who will listen, “See, I told you so: I...
You just had the best first date. It’s the beginning of something great. There was absolute connection and immediate intimacy. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in the certainty of an intense connection. I believe you can have a first experience...
You join a gym but can’t stop smoking. You finally pull free from a destructive relationship but are binging on junk food. You stop wasting time on mindless TV, but then compulsively check Facebook. Does it seem like pushing forward in one area of your life must be...
Dr. Lance Dodes wrote that the former president showed signs of "confusion about reality" and "would have to be immediately removed from office" if elected.
Every so often a musical prodigy comes along and sends goosebumps up and down and all around. 15 years old. You’re gonna love her! ... See MoreSee Less