A few months ago, ABC announced a reboot of their 1990’s sitcom, Roseanne. It was a controversial decision made by ABC (the home of a progressive show on the other end of the spectrum: Blackish) to give airtime to a woman who had repeatedly shown herself through the...
When you come into a relationship in which your new partner had a family before you, particularly when there are kids involved, it is profoundly important to recognize how jarring it is to bring a new person into this system. Even though it was a dysfunctional system,...
When your relationship ends, where there once was a known, there is now an unknown. The void that loss creates can drive you to fill that space with reasons why it had to end – you’re trying to make the unknown, known. Having your relationship ripped away with nothing...
Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be a huge event or a more subtle pain that you try hard to overlook, though it still haunts you. Collective traumas are suffered by many. They include war, terrorism, an accident, or a catastrophic weather episode that...
The President of the United States has a psychiatric disorder that requires his immediate removal from office. Thus far, many psychiatric practitioners have noted President Trump’s erratic, impulsive, paranoid, self-consumed thought patterns, communications, and...
Every so often a musical prodigy comes along and sends goosebumps up and down and all around. 15 years old. You’re gonna love her! ... See MoreSee Less
Is it possible for an article I wrote in 2017 to be EVEN MORE relevant now? Yes, when the topic is the cognitive decline of Donald Trump. It's getting worse, folks. You thought Grandpa Joe's forgetfulness and mumbling were bad? They're nothing compared to the hate-filled confabulations that inhabit the mind of Trump. Read more here: ... See MoreSee Less
I just noticed some outdated rating system that was used to assess my written contributions on here back in the day when this was a primary communication tool. Now, while I’m less productive in the summer, I am finding substack to be a place to write and receive feedback and support about this crucial time in our history - the 2024 election. Lately, Substack where I have a “page” called “Trump Dementia News,” is where I’ve been “hanging out.” I have advertised/ announced on here) previously when I have written there to communicate clinical theories and observations. All that said, I thought I would add more updated “ratings” about my actual work with patients through the years. If there are any other patients that I have had, or readers of my work whom I have helped to gain perspective and feel more hopeful that want to write something, please feel free. I have been stuck at #10 out of 4,135 therapists in the NY area for quite awhile now which is annoying. I am ready and hopeful that this domain moves the dial! Thanks all and i will try to make my way back here soon!! ... See MoreSee Less
The wisdom of those who came before us rings profoundly and sadly true today … But I choose to believe, and I hope you do too, that there are more Hannah J Arendt(s) in our country and in our world than there are those to whom she refers. ... See MoreSee Less