Everyone Has a ‘Look Closer’
Reminding yourself that everyone has their own “look closer”, just like you do, can help you feel less alone with what you perceive as your painfully flawed self.
4 Ways to Support Your Friend Through Breakup
An epic breakup isn’t easy for anyone involved—and that includes you, looking in from the outside, trying to cushion the fall.
Doors Opened, Doors Closed: No Regrets!
When you fantasize different paths and different outcomes, you are participating in “retroactive bargaining.” What could you have done differently to avoid the remorse, regret and shame you now feel?
Sex On The First Date? Don’t Feel Ashamed!
Rather than exploring why there are differences between what is “expected” of men and women on a first date, this post is written for people who do not want to feel apologetic for how and when they express and respond to their own sexuality.
Does Your Identity Feel Threatened in Your Relationship?
When your identity is threatened in a relationship, there is a fearful urgency to stand your ground in order to preserve those parts of yourself that are becoming submerged.
10 Sources of Low Self-Esteem
The more you understand the sources of your low self-esteem and can put them into context, the more you can use your self-understanding to begin the process of repairing self-esteem.
10 Ways Low Self-Esteem Affects Women in Relationships
If you can’t believe you’re good enough, how can you believe a loving partner could choose you?
Online Dating: Have You Seen These 11 Types of Men?
In the world of online dating, some types seem more prevalent than others. Here is the collected consensus of 11 categories of men you might encounter when dating online.
How (and Why!) to Love Your False Self
With groups, at work, with your partner, with your family, and alone you might feel like you are different people. Here are 3 reasons to embrace what can sometimes feel like your false self.
Breakup in the Age of the Internet
Today, unless you’re standing at someone’s deathbed, goodbye isn’t so much an ending as a “communicate with you later.” As the rules of breaking up change with the speed of technology, are we keeping pace?
How To Decide Whether to Stay or Leave
The struggle to balance the vow you made to your partner to stay in the relationship against the emotional drudgery and the desperate longing to be free.
Does Fear of the Unknown Keep You Trapped in Your Relationship?
How can you leave an unhappy relationship when your distrust in the world compels you to stay put, regardless of of how unhappy you are?
Feeling Guilty After Breakup? Instead, Try Joy
For most people, part of the experience of feeling guilt after breakup is due to the difficulty of turning off the switch of unhappiness.
How To Break a Cycle of Relationship Rejection
Does it seem like you’re in a cycle of rejection—like every relationship ends in being dumped?
Radio Silence After a Great First Date? Here’s Why
You know that both of you felt something powerful—something worth exploring. So what happens when that first date is the only date?
Why Feeling Deserving Helps You Achieve Good Things
For many of us, the deep-rooted belief that we don’t deserve good things makes us resistant to taking care of ourselves as fully as we can.
The Wrenching Heartbreak of Being Left for Another
Being dumped for someone else is a double punch: not only do you feel abandoned but also replaced.
8 Reasons It May Be Hard to Sustain a Relationship
Here are 8 (out of infinity) of the main reasons why people have trouble finding or sustaining a romantic relationship.
5 Reasons People Choose to Remain Single
In this post I address a few of the reasons why people invest in remaining single or choosing not to partner, though there are far more reasons than I could ever describe here.
Painfully Stuck in a Relationship? Here’s How To Get Out
Do you fear the unknown future more than you fear the known present? Since you only live once, why do you continue in a relationship that makes you more unhappy than happy?
Have You Seen These 5 Kinds of Men in Relationships?
There are men who are predisposed to be emotionally present in a relationship and others who are not.
What it Really Means to be ‘Faithful’ in a Relationship
There’s a distinction we can make between “infidelity” and “unfaithfulness.”
Can You be in a Relationship but Still be Yourself?
Where do you end and where does your partner begin?
‘Infinitely Polar Bear’ Delivers Rare, True Portrayal of Bipolar Disorder
Infinitely Polar Bear is the story of how love can provide the incentive to get better. Mark Ruffalo’s performance is gritty, believable and most certainly Oscar-Worthy.